What is Competitive Swim?
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Milwaukee Piranhas Competitive Swimming

The Competitive Swim Club is for the intermediate and experienced swimmer.  Course objectives are to promote enjoyment in learning fundamental competitive swimming skills and provide continuing development for the experienced swimmer.  New members need not be expert swimmers, since they practice and compete with others of their own ability.  Competitive swim allows for team-building and individual goal setting.  Younger swimmers can build excellent skills that will provide them with a foundation for getting involved at the high school level.  High schoolers are provided with the continuation of skill development when their season is over and gives them that competitive edge when their season resumes.  It's fun, it builds great friendships and team spirit!See Home Page for times and dates of Competitive Swim program for the fall.

Pre-Competitive Swim Academy

This is for the beginning swimmer ages 4-9.  Your child should not have fear of the water and should be willing to swim the length of the pool on his/her back and/or stomach.  The team uses floatation aides and devices to help your child become comfortable learning these skills.  This is an outstanding program to get your child swimming and getting started in competitive swim.  Your child will work with one of our coaches and with our advanced swimmers as they instruct your child individually or in a small group.  You'll be simply amazed on how fast your child learns basic swimming skills in a very short amount of time!


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