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Enjoys some pix from our Piranhas!
New pictures from the meet.

Backstroke start!

Butterfly, anyone?

8 and under freestyle

Waiting for their turn to swim in the relay.

Coming in for the finish!

On your marks, get set...

Another start!

A little game of Uno while swimmers wait for their event.

Coach Jason sets up relays.

Practice, practice, practice!

And, practice and practice and practice!

Free Style

You mean we're not done yet!

Socks make the flippers fit better!

Here we go again!

Advanced swimmer giving 1:1 assistance to a "Lil Squirt."

Putting in lane lines is just part of practice.

Coach Jason checking times.

The cool down.

Competitive swim is a lot of fun...and hard work!

A mom helps with a "lil squirt's" flipper.

The Practice!

Hammin' it up for the camera!

Parents watch on as Piranhas practice.